Freedom lies in the heart of its people; government is the defender and a free-market economy is the enabler of that ideal. Before either of those could exist, freedom had to be won with the revolutionary war. Let’s not lose it. Establish your value of freedom with awareness from the book, FREEDOM DEFINED. Patrick G. Roers, Author
THE CHALLENGE: The difference between formal and informal education is that in formal education we must measure the effectiveness of both learning and teaching.
THE METHOD: Student Standardized Education is the measurement of learning and teaching advancement based on an evolving, non-accessible, profile of each student as the baseline.
THE MEANS: The critical factor is the change in mindset from believing that acceptable outcome can only be measured by quantifying and qualifying information to measuring and qualifying achievement based on individual innate and cognitive capacity.
THE OUTCOME: Required to meet the different capacities of each student in any class will necessitate a broader range of teaching. The development of the student will be governed by their abilities requiring specifics to meet their capacity. NOTE: While all students are exposed to the same information, they are only held accountable for that required to meet their abilities. Learning the basics of each subject is not an objective but like learning to run; walking is necessitated.
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Meta: K-12, education, innovation, patented, research, education solution, education discovery, invention, k-12 process, software,
National Education Institute of the U.S.
Denver CO US
Copyright: National Education Institute of the U.S.
The process describe as Student Standardized Education is patented under two U.S. patents
All Rights Reserved.
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United states
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